Gorilla Trekking

Spending time tracking and sitting with mountain gorillas is the ultimate wildlife experience and the reason why most people visit Rwanda on holiday. The location of Kwitonda Lodge puts gorilla trekking within easy reach, and daily hikes to observe gorilla groups in their natural habitat in the Volcanoes National Park are led by expert guides. Gorilla trekking permits need to be secured in advance and Singita can assist guests with this. Daily trek groups allow for eight people per gorilla family per day, and the age limit for trekking is 15.

On-the-day Details 

Singita guests take in pre-trek information and media in a dedicated conservation room at the lodge, and enjoy the convenience of an onsite gear-room for gearing up comfortably before their trek. For trekking guests should wear boots with good grip, gators, gloves, thick socks and pants and a long sleeved top. Complimentary comfort kits, containing items such as sun cream, a sweat towel, tissues, a buff (required by Rwandan parks) and brown sanitary/toilet eco bags will be provided. Guests will receive a loaned backpack containing a lunchbox, snacks and a water bottle.

On the day of the trek, guests will be woken early to enjoy breakfast and gear up, after which they’ll be taken to the guide station a few kilometres from the lodge. Here, guests will have a briefing by the guides, and when ready will set off on the scenic trek through thick forest terrain towards a specific gorilla group, guided by trained rangers. The length of the trek varies, depending on which gorilla family group guests are allocated to, and this will be decided upon with regard to the fitness levels and capabilities of the trekkers. Once the gorilla group is located guests will spend up to an hour with them, observing these gentle creatures in their natural habitat.

Post-trek, guests will return to the comfort of the lodge, where they will gear down in a warm mudroom and relax with a refreshing beverage, while reflecting on the day. As the distance of each gorilla trek is varied meals and lodge activities are flexible around each trek.

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